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School Board to move ahead with pre-school program for the 2020-2021 school year

Tue, 12/17/2019 - 14:06
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The Stockton USD No. 271 Board of Education members voted to approve a universal pre-school program starting with the 2020-2021 school year after they reviewed the data and community comments collected by superintendent Bill Lowry. Lowry stated there are grants to help fund a universal pre-school for three- and four-year-olds, and with the data that has been collected, the District could use the current staff and rooms for the program. He has also had individuals express interest in teaching pre-school, if needed. The main factor for this venture is kindergarten readiness. The board members also voted in a junior high Fellowship of Christian Athletes program to start in January. The high school athletes will work with the junior high students to get the program started.

Another item that was voted on by the board members was to approve reimbursing $85.00 towards the payment of the required bus driver physicals taken after July 1st, 2019.

Once the board members approved the Consent Agenda as presented, senior Laura King gave the board members an update on what the organizations were doing during Curriculum Corner. Some of the highlights of the organizations included the KAY Club receiving its ninth Gold Award at the regional meeting, serving refreshments during the school play and Quilts of Valor ceremony, the FFA competing in several competitions during the fall and hosting the annual Goblin’s Glory, the FCCLA hosting a “Parents Night Out” and helping with the blood drive, the STUCO working the concession stand during the junior high games and organizing a Toys For Tots Drive, and the Spirit Squad raising $255.56 for the Rooks County Cancer Council and planning a dance routine with Plainville during one of the basketball games.

Next, grade school principal Stacey Green gave her report. She noted that the last day of the semester is December 20th, with the students to come back on Monday, January 6th, 2020. She had attended the Kansas Principals Conferences in November. Junior high basketball has started with the League tournament to be held in Plainville. Several classes and community groups decorated trees for the annual Parade of Christmas Trees at the library. A team has been set up and will focus on student behaviors. A second parent engagement night was held. Several Districts have been visiting Stockton to study the Redesign program.

High school principal Gary McCown noted that some of the teachers have attended conference to share Redesign information with other schools. An accountability team has been organized and a list of what the students do outside the classrooms dealing with organizations, sports, etc. is being developed. McCown had attended the MCL Principals meeting. The annual Career Fair has been postponed, but the students will attend when another date has been scheduled. There are some students with in-school suspension at this time. The student surveys have been returned and McCown will be sharing the information collected with the teachers.

Superintendent Bill Lowry and school board member Stephanie Ni-block will attend the annual KASB Conference. Lowry handed out the food service information he has collected, and talked to the board members about an option about utilizing a food management company. He will get more information about the companies and the cost of utilizing one for the board members by the next meeting, noting that this is just an option to consider. They will look at this option in more detail at the February meeting after Lowry visits other school lunchrooms that have chosen to go this route. Lowry is looking into grants to expand the security system for the school. At this time the hardware in the high school doors has been replaced. He invited the new board members to attend the new Boardmenship conference that will be held in January.

During Board Member Reports, Stephanie Niblock went over the sessions she will attend when she is at the KASB Conference. She did not attend the monthly Special Ed Coop. Board member Linda Conyac updated everyone on the Olde Tyme Christmas event that was sponsored by the Chamber. The virtual reality ride went well and Conyac thanked the Board for the use of the District building for that purpose. Member Daphne Plumer had attended the Grade School Site Council.

Next, five executive sessions were called for the purpose of discussing certified and administrative staff. Board members Sharri Coffey, Jesse Stithem, Stephanie Niblock, Linda Conyac, Daphne Plumer and Greg Beougher, as well as superintendent Bill Lowry, high school principal Gary McCown and grade school principal Stacey Green were in attendance. During the fourth session, McCown and Green left the session, and were not in attendance for the fifth session. There was no further discussion when they came back to the open meeting, which was then adjourned at 7:37 p.m.

Also at the meeting were attorney Terry Cikanek and clerk Annette Look. Board member Brad Odle was absent from the meeting.