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Looking Back

Tue, 04/30/2024 - 16:47
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What Was Going On 14 Years Ago

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Approximately 40 people had gathered at Stockton City Hall to visit with Wes Bainter of Bainter Construction of Hoxie about an independent living complex for Stockton. The apartments would have two bedrooms with an attached garage and inside and outside accessibility. There would also be a meeting room for gatherings and a daily meal included in the rent of the all-electric units.

Nancy Becker, Valley View Apartments Manager and Stockton Housing Authority's Director, was named Area One Site Manager of the Year at the RRHAK Annual Conference.

The Stockton High School Saxophone Ensemble, comprised of Alex Henry, MaryLynn Griebel, Chandler Nyp, Hannah Lindsey, and Koby Beougher, received an I Rating at the State music competition.

Mary Guthrie Dickey Winters (1922) passed away.

Andrew and Allison Nicholson announced the birth of their son, Kain Phillip, on April 30th.

Darrell and Margie Small had traveled to Salina to attend The Gamara House School Dance Annual Recital at the Stiefel Theater. Their granddaughter, Carter Brull, was a participant.

Looking Back 14 Years Ago (1996)—Head Basketball Coach at Fort Hays State University (NCAA Division II Champs), Mr. Gary Garner, spoke at the Lions Club Stockton High School Awards Banquet. The Stockton Chamber of Commerce discussed the upcoming Biking Across Kansas Tour through Stockton. Fort Hays State University's assistant football coach, T. J. Slansky, was the scheduled speaker for the Stockton Elementary School D.A.R.E. Graduation.

56 Years Ago, Spotlighting The Year 1954—The Southwestern Bell Telephone's new dial building in Stockton had reached completion. The changeover to the dial system was set for the fall. The Lions Club was bringing in Billy the Penguin and his Pals to Stockton. The educational exhibit of the South Pole birds was to be set up by Morrissey's Store.

What Stocktonites Were Doing 98 Years Ago in 1912—On Friday night, while the storm was in progress, lightning struck the barn at the poor farm and set the hay mow afire. A horse standing outside the barn was killed, but six horses and a cow standing outside the building were uninjured. Mr. Howe happened to look out after the bolt struck and saw the fire. He and his son ran out and succeeded in getting the stock and some harnesses out. The last horse taken out became frantic and kicked Mr. Howe in the side. The building was a total loss. On Tuesday evening, M. F. Mersch sold his meat market, situated in the Record building, to Mrs. Damon. Oren Sanford, the skillful meat cutter, has been retained in his old position.

The Nova Theatre was showing 'The Last Song.'