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Stranded. In a cave. You will need to sedate me.

You probably saw this on TV news a couple weeks ago. I got a cold chill that didn’t go away for hours after seeing the story on TV news of five people who were stranded over 200-feet underground at Grand Canyon Caverns when the elevator malfunctioned, and they could not get out. The group was stuck down in the caverns for about 30 hours.
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Grace Notes

For whatever reason, this has been “the summer of Jell-O” at our house. It started back in spring/early summer when we had some Jell-O salad left over after some event; I don’t remember just what exactly. As Bob and I both enjoyed the leftovers the next couple of days, something clicked with both of us and we began making a big bowl full of Jell-O with canned fruit every week. All summer. And we’re still going. Haven’t tired of it yet. It’s just refreshing, and we have enjoyed the various flavors and fruits stirred in. I say “we” are making it because I have written out instructions, starting with “boil water,” for Bob to make it, which he has. To say we are on a roll, making Jell-O at least 20 weeks in a row would not be an exaggeration; in fact, that’s probably on the low side. Remains to be seen whether we continue this through winter; I don’t know. We don’t want to get to the point where we never want to eat Jell-O We recently traveled “home” to Goessel for our 50th Class Reunion. Seriously. Count ‘em... Fifty years since we graduated from Goessel High School. I am going to have to quit denying it soon—we. are. old. But anyway, we had a wonderful time with our classmates, gathering in a barn that has been converted to a gathering place. Of the 37 graduates in our class, five of our friends have passed away. Another seven chose not to attend or were unable to come, such as one dear classmate, now living on the West Coast and suffering with MS. Everyone’s senior pictures, which had been enlarged to black-and-white 8 x 10s, were hanging from the barn’s rafters. While some of our number actually don’t look much different, there were a few others that have changed quite a bit. Silvery-white hair will do that to a person. Only one classmate kind of had me stumped as to his identity. Being seriously overweight can do that to a person. Teachers were also invited; we had five of them share the evening with us. Considering we have always been known as “THAT class,” I’d say it was amazing to have five teachers WANT to come spend an evening with our class. One teacher, now 80 years old, drove (with his daughter) from their home in Canada. It was a very special evening of visiting, catching up with the “where do you live now?” and “have you retired?” questions and answers, as well as reminiscing about “the good ol’ days.” In true geriatric fashion, we all forgot to discuss when shall we get together again and who will make the plans. Perhaps we are closing in on the age when our get-togethers will be at each other’s funerals.
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Happy 7th Birthday To Trent

HAPPY 7TH BIRTHDAY TO TRENT Oh, my blue Heaven, Mr. Trent Avery is turning seven! My, how the time has flown, And look how much you have grown! Swimming, softball, soccer games, Flag football and all kinds of board games. Mix it all in with Mario Kart And racing as Donkey Kong Jr. from the start. It’s first grade for you With so much to learn and do! Hunting with Dad is a lot of fun, With Drake, Grandpa and a BB gun. The theme for the party is football With the family invited, one and all. There will be cake, ice cream and candy, And topping it off with presents is dandy! You are my lucky number seven And a very special gift from Heaven. You’re the best little brother to your big sister, And it has to be said, you are one cool mister. Wishing you a birthday of laughter and fun Because today you are now six plus one! Have a wonderful year of being just you Filled with adventures to see and do! Happy Seventh Birthday to my Superman. Love you more, Grams
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One Vote

The prisoner was a woman, unusual in 19th century America. And the fine was large for that day—$100.00 plus court costs. After being held for quite some time in a New York jail, the prisoner finally had her day in court. It was a brief day as lawyers for the defense and the state presented their cases quickly. The verdict was equally fast in coming; she was guilty as charged. Anyone could understand that. There followed the sentencing, and it seemed all over. But almost as an afterthought, and possibly out of courtesy to his unusual woman prisoner, the judge asked if she wished to speak. She stood tall and erect in the prisoners’ dock.
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This ‘n That

THIS AND THAT * Actress Angela Lansbury passed away a few weeks ago. I really love watching her in the TV series “Murder She Wrote.” Also, she was a wonderful Mrs. Potts in the movie “Beauty and the Beast.” (I have a china Mrs. Potts bank that I bought at Smith’s many years ago. Roma said she bought it because she thought it was cute.) And I loved her as Miss Price, in the Disney movie “Bedknobs and Broomsticks.” She was an actress with a repartee of Broadway successes and movies through several decades that only a few can aspire to. Here are just some of her film successes: “The Long Hot Summer” (I am not going to lie, I watched it for Paul Newman), “The Court Jester” with Danny Kaye, “The Greatest Story Ever Told,” “Samson and Delilah,” “Fantasia,” “National Velvet,” “The Manchurian Candidate,” “The Picture of Dorian Gray,” “The Grinch,” and “Blue Hawaii.”
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The book I’m reading now...

Several years ago, I believe it was the fall of 2019 b.c. (before covid), one of the keynote speakers at the Kansas Housing annual conference was an author by the name of Sarah Smarsh. She is a journalist who was published in newspaper columns and magazines, but her greatest success came from the first and only book she had written: “Heartland — A Memoir of Working Hard and Being Broke in the Richest Country on Earth.” Almost an overnight sensation, Sarah’s book soared almost instantly as a New York Times bestseller.
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Halloween Jokes

HALLOWEEN JOKES * If you haven’t already, it’s time to release the Reese’s Peanut butter Pumpkins! * What do you call a witch’s garage? A broom closet. * What kind of food would you find on a haunted beach? A sand-witch! * What was the witch’s favorite subject in school? Spelling.