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56 Years Ago

* And So They Say: Jerry Riseley: “Of course you will always find someone complaining about something in the paper, but there is no one who would want to live in a town without a newspaper.” Don Peebles: “We were in a regular ‘dirty thirty’ dust storm between Burlington and Limon going out to Colorado Springs and coming back it poured on us in the same area.” City Manager Harper: “Everyone had a freezing good time at the pool on opening day.”
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What Stocktonites Were Doing 98 Years Ago

It takes a long time to fill the big swimming pool, which takes on the appearance of a little lake as it widens out towards the top. The pump commenced Tuesday morning and is still going. Mr. Dryden hopes to have it filled to the top by Saturday. The pool holds 100,000 gallons. Water will be drawn off every evening and fresh water running in all the time. The dressings rooms are about completed. There are 18 of these rooms on each side of the corridor, besides shower baths and toilets. A seat for spectators extends clear around the pool. Most of the young people and many of the older ones already have their own bathing suits. For those not already provided, Mr. Dryden has 100 suits to rent. The swimming pool promises to be the most popular resort in Stockton during the summer.
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Yesteryear Picture

THE STOCKTON LIONS CLUB presented a closed-captioned television to Harvey Rogers in 1997. Those present for the event were Lions Club members Dennis Bedore, Chuck Williams, recipient Harvey Rogers, and Lions Club member Roque Garcia.
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56 Years Ago

* And So They Say: Mary Alice Boethin: “I don’t see why they don’t open the swimming pool on the last day of school.” Erma Jean Price: “I made a mistake when I didn’t plant my garden in the dirt that had blown onto my window sill since that way it would have also been inside and protected from the sun and wind.” Matt Mullen: “When I catch ten walleyes—now that will be a news item!”
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Wanted: More Pictures for the Yesteryear Page

The Stockton Sentinel is always looking for pictures for our “Yesteryear” page. If you have a picture that you’d be willing to share with our readers (preferably at least 20 years old), send it to Stockton Sentinel, P.O. Box 521, Stockton, KS 67669, e-mail it to: or bring it in to our office and we’ll be sure you get it back.
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What Stocktonites Were Doing 98 Years Ago

One of the towns most respected citizens, Christopher Reed, died at his home in Stockton. He had been ill for about three weeks with a severe cold, and kidney complications caused the fatal termination. Christopher Reed died at 9:30 a.m. on May 17th, 1922 at the age of 76 years and 26 days. He grew to manhood in the place of his birth at Franklin, Wisconsin and lived there until 1878 when he came to Rooks County and homesteaded in Sugar Loaf Township where he lived until he moved to Stockton and purchased the residence which has since been his home. Just before coming to Rooks County, he married Miss Anna Cullen of Franklin, who died in April 1912. Four children were born to this union. He then married Miss Mary Frances McCarthy on November 9th, 1914. Mr. Reed was a man greatly respected by all who knew him. His sterling character and kindly impulses endeared him to neighbors as well as relatives, and the most profound sorrow is felt at his separation from earthly affairs that has occurred.
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Looking Back

Stockton Police Chief Don Jenkins, Jr. informed the Sentinel that a Stockton Grade School student had confessed to creating the bomb threat that took place at the school on May 11, 2006 forcing the evacuation of students, staff and administrators in the elementary and high schools. According to Jenkins, the student confessed to the grade school principal, Elton Armbrister. County attorney Ed Hageman said charges of Criminal Threat and Causing the Evacuation of a Public Building had been filed. Jenkins said the school may also file sanctions of its own.
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Yesteryear Picture

AT THE END OF THE 1997 SCHOOL YEAR, Pat Nichols and Ivalee Bennett had been honored at a retirement luncheon by the Stockton Grade School faculty. Pat had served as the school’s librarian for 25 years, and Ivalee Bennett had taught first grade for 26 years.
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56 Years Ago

* And So They Say: A. L. Pettijohn: “I’m getting meaner all the time and proud of it.” Lee Robinson: “Most of the things I think I know, turn out to not be so.” Lee Phelps: “When we were tearing out that partition in the store the other day, you would have thought the ‘Dirty Thirties’ were back again.” Merton Van Eaton: “I think kids should be given more responsibility so that it won’t come as such a jolt to them when they get older.”