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Commissioners updated on courthouse exercise

Rooks County Emergency Management Director Adam Bryant and Butch Post were at the commission meeting on Tuesday, March 12 and gave an update on the emergency exercise held at the Courthouse on Friday, March 8th. The department went through different scenarios with the courthouse employees. They will present a written report to the commissioners at a later date. Bryant stated that they received good feedback from the offices. He will also look into the costs of cameras for the building. The commissioners did approve $120.00 for an 800 number for Bryant’s office.
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City approves stump grinder purchase and receives updates on Manor

At the Stockton City Commission meeting held on Tuesday, March 12th, city manager/clerk Kayla Hilbrink gave the commissioners an update on the Solomon Valley Manor. The building has been inspected, and in 21 of the rooms some drywall needs replacing. This project is under warranty and is already underway. Administrator Amanda Atkisson is gathering quotes for landscaping. A sale of equipment and miscellaneous items will be held in April at the old facility. There are 29 residents at the Manor at this time.
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School Board holds special meeting

The Stockton School Board of Education members held a special meeting on Monday, March 11th, to discuss the golf coach position and possible solutions for the coming sport season. They also approved the Consent Agenda, which included the February 12th minutes, the Clerk’s Report and Manifest of Bills, and the Petty Cash and Activity Account Reports as presented..
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Easter Service Directory

have announced their programs and church services for Holy Week and Easter. Everyone is encouraged to attend these services offered as part of their holiday and is welcome to attend any of the following: First Congregational Church— Easter Sunday Services at 6:00 p.m.
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Introducing the Conservative Alliance of Rooks County

There is a newly-formed grassroots organization called the Conservative Alliance of Rooks County, that is now in the process of organizing their board of directors and officers. They began with a collective group of individuals who voiced concern about the direction of the state and the federal government. Their mentors from “Americans For Prosperity Kansas” are supporting all of the organization’s efforts.