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News From Lowell Township

Phone: 785-994-6370 (home) or 785-476-5206 (cell) The three roosters are still having territorial problems in the chicken pen and outside, but I am hoping the situation will improve with time. The female redbird and the nest on the porch are fine, but the strong wind blew down the one at Cedar Church.
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The Plant House at Hrabe Hriver Crossing is now OPEN!

Webster’s Plant House at Hrabe Hriver Crossing at 2155 I Terrace in Stockton (located approximately three miles east on Highway 24 and half a mile south; or check out Google Maps for location) is now open! The Plant House (Cheryl’s cell is 785-425-8249) has an excellent selection of bedding plants, veggies, herbs, flowers, perennials, hanging baskets, potting soil, and mulch with new plants arriving weekly! Business hours are 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.